Thursday, August 18, 2011

Stoneware Cookware Ideal For Cooking

Cooking with stoneware has been around sense man discovered fire. Early man would heat up flat stones in the fire and cook on them. When man started to farm and settle in one place, they needed to evolve their cooking methods so the stone fireplace was born. Clay and stone cookware were what was used before people knew how to forge metals. Once metals were being used in almost every house, stoneware went out of favor with most people. However, with resurgence in everything old stoneware is making a huge comeback. Pampered chief is only one of the companies that sell stoneware. You might have seen pizza stones but there is more than that. Casserole, bread and muffin pans are just a few of the possible cookware you can get.

As with any cookware you get you will need to take care of your stoneware, to do this you need to a couple of things. Don't use metal utensils they will scratch the seasoning off and you will have to start over, so make sure you use plastic utensils. When you first get your stone you will have to rub it with cooking oil like vegetable oil, put it in the oven at 250 degrees overnight. Then let it cool on the top of the stove. After that, you will have to use oil every time you use it until it is seasoned. Stoneware is porous, seasoning it makes it non-stick, and helps close the pores. The more you use you stoneware the better it gets. When its nicely seasoned it will be black do not try to scrub this off this is normal and will not affect your food. When you store it do not store it in the oven I did this and after a few years my stone broke. Some companies have a lifetime guarantee but others do not you will have to check on this before you buy.Take the bags out from the refrigerator and let them thaw in room temp. for about 2 hrs. Then open the bags & put your leftovers inside the food dehydrator. Slice the big pcs. into small ones so you'll not have trouble fitting them inside the dehydrator. Set unit at low temperature and let bread pieces become dry completely (6 to 8 hrs). To avoid waiting, you can do this step the night prior so that next morning after waking up the crumbs will already be dehydrated completely.You'll also need spices to create your very own crumbs. Be sure to stock up on the following:Garlic powder/salt

Most of your high-end kitchen stores will have some stoneware, you can get stoneware from Pampered Chief, and you can even get it at discount stores. The difference is the quality of the stoneware. You are going to have to do some research to find what is best for you. If you want your stoneware to last a long time then you need the best you can afford. After you have done your research on stoneware, choose one pan and buy it you want to make sure that you like it if you like it then you can buy a set of them. You might even want to buy a set for a friend or family member. Believe me when I say they will love it. If you know a Pampered Chief consultant then you can ask them all about their stoneware.

Author: Elaine Smith

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