Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cool Snacks for a Hot Summer

Beat the heat with these cool summer treats!

Store refrigerated foods in airtight plastic wraps or containers to maintain the quality, this also helps to keep foods from drying out, and preventing odors or flavors from transferring from one food to another. Make sure to avoid using containers or plastic bags that are not made for storage, and do not reuse plastic bags.4) The fact that the two people are newlyweds is irrelevantFrozen Monkey TreatsSave large, empty plastic soda and juice bottles. Fill them with water, and store in your freezer. Having less open space in your freezer will help it run more efficiently. And when you need more room in the freezer, simply take out one of the bottles of ice!7) People gave the bags to the couple, butStorage conditions in the pantry should be dark, cool and dry with a temperature between 50 to 70 degrees F, the higher the temperature the faster the deterioration. The pantry should be as far away from the oven, stove, water heater and dishwasher as possible.6) The bags were made of plastic

Don�t plan your summer party without this refreshing drink. Pour one can of Sprite (it doesn�t have caffeine) into a blender, along with small ice cubes. Add several large strawberries, a handful of blueberries, or other favorite fruit to the mix. Blend the mixture until it has the texture of a slush. Pour into a glass and garnish with a cherry on top.

Author: Deborah Shelton

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