Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Big Daddy's Fruit Freezer

(NC)�Real men eat this yogurt! It's a truly fabulous frozen dessert or snack. So fast and easy that even your favourite I-hate-to-cook guy will like to make it, and so good that he'll want to make it every day. Makes one delicious man-size portion.

However, make friends with your freezer and this, in fact, does become possible.Place baking dish in pan of hot water (water should be about 1" deep) and bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 40 - 45 minutes. Test for doneness by inserting a knife 1 inch from edge - it should come out clean.Place bread crumbs in a 1 1/2 quart baking dish. Stir remaining ingredients together and pour over bread crumbs, mixing well.Vitamin C 188 % Vitamin B6 27 %This almost seems a no-brainer but it is worth being reminded. If you are going to make one batch of your favorite Beef Curry Recipe, make two - one for now, and one for the freezer. Apply the same rule to any stews, simple ground beef recipes and even chicken casseroles. Most of these dishes are good natured and will freeze well. I love nothing more than being able to haul out a nutritious meal from the freezer on those stressed-out days. Moreover, I know that there are no preservatives, additives and colorants in the food that I have frozen. Plus, my freezer meal has cost nothing like the supermarket equivalent and always tastes better.Ingredients and PreparationTry to be disciplined as to how you pack your freezer. Try to put ready-made meals on the same shelf or in the same drawer. Similarly, frozen raw ingredients should go together. Put "little bits" together - egg whites, chopped frozen fresh herbs, leftover sauces and so on.When you have a chance, chop a whole load of onions. I often do 12 large onions at a time. Pour a little oil into a large pot and fry the onions until they soften and take on a deep caramel color. You may find it easier to do this in two pots. Cool the onions and then transfer equal quantities to freezer containers. I would transfer the equivalent of one to two onions to each container. Label each container and then freeze.- News CanadaVitamin B12 49 % Magnesium 25 %Freeze batches of a basic Bechamel Sauce RecipePer ServingRiboflavin 40 % Zinc 20 %1/2 very ripe banana, peeled and frozen

- News Canada

Author: News Canada

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