Friday, August 19, 2011

Safe Food Handling For The Holidays

Did you know that the turkey you thawed on the kitchen counter, instead of in the fridge, could now contain bacteria levels high enough to harm human life, even though you can�t see, smell, or taste it?

When handling raw meat, wash your hands before and after. Also, wash counters or plates you plan to reuse in the preparation process if they have had raw meat on them, as they will also contain harmful levels of bacteria.It is important not to keep the thermometer inside the oven with the bird as it could be affected by the oven�s hot air and provide a false reading.Getting too much sun or being careless around an outside grill can result in summer burns. For minor first degree burns caused by brief contact with a hot object, water or steam, and sunburn, cool the skin by first holding it under running water, then apply a cold pack to numb the pain. If blistering occurs (second or third degree burns) seek medical help.Defrosting should be done in the refrigerator or in a sink full of water, changing the water about every 45 minutes. A refrigerator allows the meat to defrost in a controlled atmosphere, slowing down the growth of bacteria. Never defrost your meat on top of the counter at room temperature. This can quickly become a bacteria breeding ground. The growth rate of bacteria multiplies rapidly between 40F (4C) and 140F (60C).9. If you are going to freeze meat, seafood or poultry, enclose it in freezer wrap and freeze as soon as possible after bringing it home. Store eggs in the refrigerator, preferably in their cartons, as it provides protection and prevents moisture loss through the shell.Storing VegetablesCold treatment for night sweats.Make sure you have at least one or two cold packs in your freezer for summer first-aid. Chill out and be prepared!There�s nothing better than a home cooked meal during the holidays. But, with all the special effort that goes into making one, everything will be for naught if the food has not been stored, prepared, or cooked properly.As humans, we also carry harmful organisms on our skin which, when spread to food, produce a toxin that normal cooking cannot destroy. Therefore, it is essential to wash our hands thoroughly with soap and water prior to handling food, as well as cover open cuts.Using safe food-handling practices allows for healthy eating. The rest is a matter of taste.Plan your cooking ahead of time. Do not partially cook the bird, refrigerate, and then complete the cooking process, as this will produce dangerously high levels of bacteria.Chill heat-related illnesses.Food experts agree that the safe handling of food should be the top ingredient in any recipe.Keep pets cool.

Using safe food-handling practices allows for healthy eating. The rest is a matter of taste.

Author: Geoffrey Cook

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