Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cool running: give balmy, sticky weather the cold shoulder with this beat-the-heat strategy

The dog days of summer can make exercising outdoors a chore, so just chill-seriously. "Exposing your body to cold before you work out lowers your internal temperature, so blood keeps going to the muscles and won't need to head to your skin to cool you off as soon," says Thad Wilson, Ph.D., an associate professor at Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Give it a shot: Stash a wet towel in the freezer, then drape it around your neck before you head outside. (A study in the Journal of Athletic Training found a similar trick helped people exercise 14 percent longer.) Or start with a slushie: Runners who had a sweet, icy drink before hoofing it in the heat ran for 10 more minutes than those who downed ice water, according to Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Sugar makes ice water even colder--who knew?

Don't laugh: This might help your summer workouts!

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