Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to Prep your Home before a Vacation

Just because you�re skipping town doesn�t mean the allergens, dust, and germs that live in your home vacate as well. You may keep diligent with a cleaning regimen, but extra special cleaning ensures that a truly restful and relaxing getaway. As important as shutting all the windows and locking the doors, make sure to check these cleaning tips off your �To Do� list before you leave. Use common sense; depending on the length of your trip, you may want to add to or delete from this list.

To serve, use a knife to cut skin and membrane from 4 large oranges. Cut and lift out orange segments between membrane. Add orange sections to cranberry sauce (thawed if frozen); stir gently to blend. Serve cool. Makes about 6 cups.In a 4- to 5-quart pan, combine 6 cups (2 bags, 12 oz. each) cranberries; 2 cups sugar; 1-1/2 cups water; 1 cup (8 oz.) dried apricots, quartered; 1 cup sliced celery; 1 small onion, cut into 1/2-inch pieces; 1 stick cinnamon, 3 inches long; 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice; and 1/4 teaspoon each ground cloves and salt.Another way of delaying the staling of breads is using additives on it. Examples of such additives include methylcellulose or glycerol monostearate. Using prop ionic acid or other types of antimicrobial additives can partly inhibit the molding process.Breads can become stale even refrigerated because low temperatures can actually make bread become stale faster. When breads are kept in low temperatures, starch fraction of the wheat flour undergoes some changes, which involves retro gradation or crystallization. The good thing is that the crystallization of starch will reverse by putting bread over gentle heat, which softens it.1. Do not wrap freshly-baked bread as soon as you get it out from your oven. You should let bread cool first before you store it. Trapped heat inside your wrapper can produce condensation, which can make your bread soggy.� Close all windows, blinds, and curtains to protect your privacy and deter sun damage.Although both go well with meats and poultry, the orange-flavored sauce is also delicious as an ice cream topping.� Dust, sweep, mop, or vacuum all surfaces, especially floors.Here are some tips that you can follow if you want to make your bread's freshness last long:� Empty every sink and run the dishwasher the night before you leave, so that every dish is clean and put away. This way, should a mechanical problem arise, you can take care of it, whereas if you wait until the morning, you might come home to a flooded kitchen. If you plan on eating breakfast in the morning, try to avoid using dishes and utensils, unless you have the time to clean them right away.Learn more useful home cleaning tips by reading the blog at our Denver cleaning service website.� Do all the laundry, especially your bed linens. After they are washed and dried, fold and store them, and only when you return should you make the bed. This way, less dust accumulates on the surface and in the fibers.

Learn more useful home cleaning tips by reading the blog at our Denver cleaning service website.

Author: Yelena Gertsenova

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