Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Best Way To Store Coffee Is To Go "Green"!

The best way to store coffee is a question that is always on coffee aficinados' mind, but one that is seldom "tackle". Think about it, in most coffee maker reviews, you have the best brewer, best grinder, best roaster and so on, but have you ever heard of a best container?

1 kg of Green beans can last you probably for a year and cost about $25.00. Assuming you have a fully automatic espresso machine which comes with a grinder, you would be buying roasted beans. You would have to buy them every month and it cost about $15.00 per 100g.3. Store Food Properly2. Shop SmartJust about any type of cookie will freeze well and can last for up to 1 year from when you baked them. Make sure the cookies are wrapped well in waxed paper, plastic wrap or foil. Wrap them individually to make them last longer, hold their shape better and preserve their taste and texture. Then put them in an airtight container like a Tupperware or other container. You can also use a Ziploc freezer bag, just make sure you have sealed it tightly. Cookies that have been frosted will only keep for a few months in the freezer.PreparingMake sure your cookies are completely cool before preparing them for storage or freezing. Any frosting or icing should also be fully set and firm.Folks all over the world are looking for the freshest brew, but not a lot of people are concerned about storing the coffee, which is actually a key element in the coffee experience. Unless, you have access to a coffee store near your house, and would never buy more than that day consumption. If not, you would definitely have to store the coffee.Wash hands and surfaces often. Bacteria can be spread throughout the kitchen and get onto cutting boards, utensils and counter tops. To prevent this, wash hands with soap and hot water before and after handling food, and after using the bathroom, changing diapers, or handling pets. Wash everything else before and after it touches food. Use paper towels or clean cloths to wipe kitchen surfaces or spills. Wash cloths before you use them again for anything else. Use the hot cycle of your washing machine. Wash cutting boards, dishes, utensils, and counter tops with hot, soapy water after preparing each food item and before you go on to the next item. A solution of 1 teaspoon of bleach in 1 quart of water may be used to sanitize washed surfaces and utensils.Now, would you not agreed with me that the best way to store coffee is to go "green". Storing the Green coffee beans allows you to buy coffee in bulk (get discount from bulk purchase), roast your own coffee and have the freshest cup possible and not forgetting, it saves you some money in the process...Use clean containers and utensils to store and serve food. When a dish is empty or nearly empty, replace with fresh container of food, removing the previous container. Place cold food in containers on some ice. Hold cold foods at or below 40� F. Food that will be portioned and served should be placed in a shallow container. Place the container inside a deep pan filled partially with ice to keep food cold. Once food is thoroughly heated on stovetop, oven or in microwave oven, keep food hot by using a heat source. Place food in chafing dishes, preheated steam tables, warming trays and/or slow cookers. Check the temperature frequently to be sure food stays at or above 140� F.Cook food thoroughly until it is done. Cooked red meat looks brown inside. Poke cooked chicken with a fork. The juices should look clear, not pink. Dig a fork into cooked fish. The fish should flake. Cooked egg whites and yolks are firm, not runny. Use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature of meat, poultry, casseroles and other food. Use a thermometer with a small-diameter stem. Insert the thermometer 1 to 2 inches into the center of the food and wait 30 seconds to ensure an accurate measurement. Check temperature in several places to be sure the food is evenly heated.

Now, would you not agreed with me that the best way to store coffee is to go "green". Storing the Green coffee beans allows you to buy coffee in bulk (get discount from bulk purchase), roast your own coffee and have the freshest cup possible and not forgetting, it saves you some money in the process...

Author: Ebenezer Heng

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