Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Saving & Storing Your Christmas Cookies

Baking cookies is a favorite activity during the holiday season. The smell of the cookies baking, the warmth of the oven, the joy when you see the results, and of course, the taste! Here are some tips for saving and storing your cookies:

Here's how to avoid the problem entirely:In one year, your roasted beans would cost you $150.00. So, between the roasted and the green coffee beans, that is a savings of $125.00. Sure, you have to get a roaster, let say you get a "Fresh Roast" roaster for $70.00, you still have a savings of $55.00.6. Chill Food PromptlyIf it is not green beans, the coffee beans would not last more than a month. To me, the best to store coffee is to go "green", however, let me go through the savings and convince you on this as well!And if you were to ground the coffee, the flavour would be lost within hours. And you probably can forget about keeping brewed coffee as it begins to lose its flavour after minutes.When it comes to food preparation and storage, "Common Practices" could be POISONING your family!Many people don't realize that you can freeze the actual cookie dough for up to 1 month. Then thaw it out completely before preparing to bake. This can save alot of time during the holiday season and give you the same fresh from the oven taste as fresh baked cookies. Cookie dough that is very, very soft should not be frozen. Any dough that is firm will freeze very well. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and place in an airtight container or freezer bag.So, what is the best way to store coffee? Remember the coffee freshness rule and you would know how long you can store that "coffee". Raw green coffee beans can be fresh for years, so they are the easiest to store. Roasted beans, which are what you can easily find in Supermarket, would lose their flavour after a week.Prevention of food poisoning starts with your trip to the supermarket. Pick up your packaged and canned foods first. Buy cans and jars that look perfect. Do the cans have dents? Don't buy canned goods that are dented, cracked, or bulging. These are the warning signs that dangerous bacteria may be growing in the can. Are the jars cracked? Do they have lids that are loose or bulging? The food may have germs that can make you sick. Look for any expiration dates on the labels and never buy outdated food. Likewise, check the "use by" or "sell by" date on dairy products such as cottage cheese, cream cheese, yogurt, and sour cream and pick the ones that will stay fresh longest in your refrigerator.Cookies should be stored in an airtight container or bag. Some cookies will keep better if individually wrapped, such as very large gourmet type cookies, large cutout and frosted cookies and very thick cookies. Plastic wrap, foil or waxed paper works well for individually wrapping the cookies.

When storing or freezing dough or baked cookies, don't forget to write the date and type of cookies on the package.

Author: Ricky Alberta

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